
20 January 2021 – A Tragic Day in America

Hello and thanks for visiting.  We are updating the Dickerman Family Organization website to make it easier for future genealogists to track our current research efforts.


These pages are dedicated to past, current, and future descendants of Thomas Dickerman, our original immigrant ancestor who arrived in America in 1635 with Rev. Richard Mather of Bristol, aboard the ship James.


Our original websites will remain intact on this site.  A partial genealogy of the Dickerman Family of Michigan can be found by clicking the link below:


formerly hosted at :  http://members.aol.com/jdickerman

The most recent version of the website is being incorporated into this new site, but can still be found here:


Please feel free to browse or add your comments below.

You may also contact the website author directly by emailing: jeff@dickerman.org.

Thanks for visiting,

Jeffrey T. Dickerman
Lowell, Michigan.

13 comments on “Welcome

  1. Charles Flinn says:

    I copy of a link to a photo of my 3great uncle Oliver A. Dickerman in his Union Army uniform. He was born in Ashley, Illinois (Washington County in about 1838). I assume he was from a different line from your line.


    • Thanks Charles,

      Oliver A. Dickerman was listed in the Dickerman Genealogy. He is the son of Oliver Dickerman[7] and ? Baker. Oliver’s lineage back to Thomas[1] Dickerman follows this path:

      Thomas[1] Dickerman
      – Thomas[2] Dickerman
      – John[3] Dickerman
      – John[4] Dickerman
      – Ebenezer[5] Dickerman
      – Manasseh[6] Dickerman
      – Oliver[7] Dickerman
      – Oliver A.[8] Dickerman

      So we are definitely cousins with a split at Ebenezer’s generation. Do you have any forward lineage details you’d like to share? You may contact me privately at jeff@dickerman.org if you prefer.

      Thanks again,
      Jeff Dickerman
      Lowell, Michigan.

  2. Ryan Huey says:


    I am an archivist assistant at Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections. I process the Civil War Letters collection and I came across a letter addressing Mary (Russell) Payne as “sister.” It does not seem to be written by either Albert or Dorcas, so I just wanted to make you all aware of the letter since Mary Russell’s immediate family seems rather elusive in the historical record. If you are already aware of the letter, I was hoping you could help me determine who the writer actually was.

    Here is the link to the letter


    If that does not work for some reason, simply go to MSU’s Civil War Exhibit Website, click on “Collections,” go to “Bamber Family Papers,” then find the letter dated January 5, 1864.

    I hope you find this useful. Please feel free to inform me if I have made any mistakes in the collection regarding the Dickerman Family Tree. It is a fascinating but complex genealogy.

    Ryan Huey

    • Hi Ryan,

      Thanks for your note – very sorry about the late reply. Your letter was addressed to Mary (Russell) Dickerman – my great-great-great-grandmother. After her first husband died in 1850 in California (one of the 49er’s), Mary moved to Gratiot County, Michigan, and married Arnold Payne – one of the early settlers in the area.

      Your letter is a most welcome addition. My cousin, Russ Dickerman, has done extensive original research into the Russell family in New Hampshire. We believe the father of this family was William Russell and mother Polly (aka Mary) Dakin. According to physician records we know there were several children including Dorcas (b. Mar 1808), Diantha (b. abt 1810), Albert G.(b. abt 1812), and another child b. abt. 1822. The records are incomplete, but we believe that Mary was the eldest sibling of this family, b. 24 Apr 1806. Mary died 30 Aug 1865 in Michigan and is buried at Maple Rapids, Michigan.
      Unfortunately the signature page appears to be missing from your letter. However, the upside down note at the top of page 1 appears to have been signed by a cousin Ann. Can you tell me how the Bamber Family Letter came into your collection?
      Thanks again for your note,

      Jeff Dickerman
      Lowell, Michigan.

  3. Kelly Maloney says:

    Hi there,

    Your email address that is on the page no longer works so I hope this might get through to you. I have been researching my grandmothers birth parents as we know nothing about them. Turns out Howard R. Dickerman was her fathers name and they are in the city she was born in in the 1920 census. I think he may be my great grandfather but I am still in the process of trying to get original birth records. He was a cable splicer for a telephone company in MA and it coincides with the Howard Dickerman marker you found with a date of death of April 16, 1968.

    Please respond back. It’d be cool to compare notes and see if this Howard Dickerman and your Howard Dickerman are one and the same.:)

  4. Hi Kelly,

    It’s been a while since I checked on the site. Sorry about the delay. Fortunately we were able to correspond privately to answer your questions about your great grandfather Howard R. Dickerman.

    For future reference, you can always reach me at jeff@dickerman.org or jeff.dickerman@gmail.com. Let me know if you’ve found any new information on your grandmother or great grandfather and we can compare notes.

    Very best regards,

    Jeff Dickerman
    Lowell, Michigan

  5. Oliver A. Dickerman would be my 3great-uncle. His sister Angelica Dickerman Bird is my 2great-grandmother. She was the mother of my great-grandmother Martha Olive Bird Buck married to L. L. Buck, and one of my grandmothers was M. O. B. Buck’s daughter Nellie Bird Buck Gallagher who was the mother of my mother Gertrude Gallagher Flinn. Nellie’s husband was O N Gallagher, the father of my mother Gertrude.

  6. Joel Brown says:

    Hi, I’m Joel Brown, decendant of John E Brown. I came across your site and wanted to thank you for compiling his history up to my Grandparents time. It’s wonderful to look back, and I appreciate your efforts, thank you

  7. Hi:

    My Dakins came from Concord, MA. Thomas Dakin, the immigrant, first appears in town records in 1653.
    I found this in a Dickerson site. “Mr. and Mrs. Bolles went on to adopt many children including the minor children of John Dickerman and her aunt Sally Ann Dakin.” I am trying to figure out why these children had to be adopted.

    Who was Mrs. Bolles? A Dakin?


    Daryl Livingston

    • P. J. Doyle says:

      Darryl, This could possibly be due to orphans from a smallpox epidemic.

      John Dickman/Dickerman ( b. 1750) is mentioned by his grandson Eliot in the Dickerman Genealogy (The Dickman’s of Boston chapter 10 pg 563 #277)
      “His grandson, Eliot’ Dickman of Woodville, Hopkinton, Mass., writes :

      ” I have heard my grandfather say that his mother came from Boston to get away from the smallpox, and brought him with her. She was taken with the disease and died suddenly, and he was put out and brought up here. He said he had a brother and sister but could not remember their names and did not know what became of them.””

      If this is the same John, I would love more details of your source as I am a direct descendant of this John.

  8. Susan says:

    Came across a Dickerman Genealogy book published 1922, descendnats of Thomas Dickerman. It has notes on the fly sheets, perhaps made by a Caroline Wrigley [???] of Atlanta, GA. as well as an envelope of other typed notes listing later generations.
    Would like to get this book to someone in the family. Hate to just toss it out!

    • Hi Susan,
      I would be interested in the notes by Carline Wrigley. It might help to re-create the full Dickerman family tree from 1922 onward.
      Please contact me privately at jeff@dickerman.org if you’re interested in sharing the notes or are looking for a permanent home for the book.
      Best wishes,
      Jeff Dickerman

    • As mentioned, I am interested in reviewing the notes or correspondence and would be interested in tracking down the descendants (if any exist) of Caroline Wrigley. Looks like she was born January 27, 1806 and married February 21, 1830. My guess is the notes you mentioned were probably written in her 90’s when she corresponded with Edward Dwight Dickerman. I have some letters from him to various members of the family and am always looking to add more.

      Ideally, I would like to find out if Edward or his brother George Sherwood Dickerman left a collection of correspondence anywhere back east. I’ve checked with some of the libraries but have found nothing yet.

      In any event, Caroline had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren by the time the book was published n 1898. In fact, one grand-daughter was also named Caroline Wrigley. The senior Caroline’s ancestors were:

      Thomas[1] Dickerman, Abraham[2] Dickerman, Isaac[3] Dickerman, Stephen[4] Dickerman, Chloe[5] (Dickerman) Plant, Caroline[6] (Plant) Wrigley.

      Interestingly Caroline’s grandmother was Eunice (Tuttle) Dickerman. The Tuttle family was instrumental in publishing many of these family genealogy books include the Dickerman Genealogy book. The 1922 edition was published in New Haven by The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press.

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