October 2001
June 2001 July 2001 September 2001 October 2001 November 2001


October 7, 2001 - Replacing the Porch Roof.

The month of October was spent tearing off the old porch roof which had leaked in several places destroying much of the single bead-board ceiling.  The ceiling was removed first and stored throughout the winter.  Later the remaining ceiling boards will be planed, sanded, stained, and installed into the new bath in an attempt to preserve and reuse the original building materials.  Eventually the porch ceiling will be replaced with new boards.

October 14, 2001 - Removing the roof.

Several inches of tar and tin lay on the ground after stripping the old roof material.  The original roof was a standing-seam tin roof with Yankee gutters built in.  The gutters channeled rain water around to the corners of the roof where there were downspouts originally.  Inside the gutters were full-size 2"x4"s which provided the base for a railing on the upper porch.  The 2"x 4"s were saturated with years of rainwater. They were rotted but still in place.  The previous home owners had torn down the upper railing which we will replace once the new roof is in place.  A local contractor installed a torch-down rubber roof guaranteed to provide at least 10 years without leaks.  (Yeah, we'll see.)

October 14, 2001 - Inspecting the damage.

October 21, 2001 - Corner view of the work in progress.

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Ort Hill 1898 House Renovation Project
429 High Street
Lowell, Michigan