July 2001
June 2001 July 2001 September 2001 October 2001 November 2001


July 13, 2001 - Work continues.

  Note the second story shake shingles on the east side (right) which had been covered by painted asphalt shingles.  All the asphalt shingles and eventually the original cedar shakes will have to be removed.  But first the leaky porch roof will have to be dealt with.  For now, we covered the cedar shakes against the rain with brown tarps.  

July 20, 2001

Using a Metabo rotary carbide scraper we removed paint on the exposed clapboards fairly easily.  Under the porch roof, the paint could not be removed as easily - probably because it hadn't been exposed to the sun. We found that heat guns and scrapers were the only successful method of removing the thick paint in non-exposed areas.  July was spent learning which methods and tools work best in removing the old paint.

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Copyright 2002 - 2005
Ort Hill 1898 House Renovation Project
429 High Street
Lowell, Michigan